Было одновременно и здорово тестировать N9, и печально... Nokia после нескольких лет терзаний с сенсорным Symbian выпустила наконец мегакрутой смартфон на платформе MeeGo, но он стал первым и последним — больше устройств с этой ОС у Nokia никогда не будет. В компанию пришел Стивен Элоп и притащил за собой Windows Phone 7. Тоже интересная и ... Читать дальше
Миниобзор. Nomobile.ru, автор: Иван Звягин
We suspected there'd be a special guest at HTC's party in London tonight and here it is: the brand new Sensation XL. You might recognize the mug shot from the many leaks we've reported under the Runnymede codename, but this phone also bears a distinct similarity to the recently announced HTC Titan. It's carved from an almost identical 4.7-inch ... Читать дальше
Предобзор. Engadget, автор: Sharif Sakr
The HTC Sensation XL pushes out 4.7-inches of glorious display to fill with your Android ambitions. It's the latest flagship phone to launch from HTC, much rumoured and leaked, and now unleashed upon the world. It picks up much of what the HTC Titan set out on Windows Phone 7 and effectively gives you the Android equivalent, but with a few treats ... Читать дальше
Предобзор. Pocket-lint, автор: Chris Hall
Today HTC introduced the second member of its Beats droid family, making both geeks and audiophiles tremble with excitement. The HTC Sensation XL is one multimedia beast with its Dr. Dre-inspired audio, impressively spec'd camera and huge display and it's also keen to give users the proper smartphone experience with the tried and tested ... Читать дальше
Предобзор. GSMArena
Такое знаковое событие, как презентация нового Apple iPhone миру, венчает череду анонсов осени 2011 года. Это первое мероприятие Apple, где в роли ведущего не было уже смертельно больного Стива Джобса, скончавшегося сутки спустя после анонса. Выход каждого нового телефона с яблоком — это грандиозное явление для мобильного мира. Прошлогодний ... Читать дальше
Статья. MobiGuru.ru, автор: Виктор Котов
For those of you keeping count, the Pantech Breakout is now the fifth Android smartphone to be released by Verizon Wireless that runs on the carrier’s 4G LTE data network. But unlike the higher-end HTC ThunderBolt, Samsung Droid Charge, LG Revolution, and Motorola DROID BIONIC, the new Pantech Breakout is not bucking for 1st place when it comes to ... Читать дальше
Обзор. Phone Arena, автор: FAUguy
Традиционное осеннее обновление модельного ряда компании Amazon подарило пользователям не только Android-планшет Fire, но и два абсолютно новых e-ink ридера – сенсорный Kindle Touch с опциональным 3G-модулем и сверхбюджетный Kindle 4, который доступен в США за смешные $79. Вряд ли кто-то станет спорить с тем, что именно цена Amazon Kindle 4 ... Читать дальше
Обзор. ITC.ua
A fresh dose of oxygen or a new torchbearer? It doesn’t matter which one you think RIM needed to keep the flame alive. They got both in the new BlackBerry Torch 9810. Double the processing power, the new sped-up and brushed-up BlackBerry OS 7 and higher resolution displays, RIM know giving users what they need is no longer enough. The new ... Читать дальше
Обзор. GSMArena
Вот и компания ASUS вышла на рынок со своим электронным ридером (в просторечье говоря - читалкой), причем они не стали размениваться на всякие пяти-, шести- и семидюймовые модели, которые годятся только для нетребовательных пользователей, а сразу перешли к выпуску ридера для реальных пацанов, которым по роду деятельности нужно читать ... Читать дальше
Обзор. Экслер, автор: Алекс Экслер
В тестовую лабораторию gg на короткое время попал новый смартфон LG Optimus Sol, который представляет собой упрощённый вариант популярной модели Optimus Black. Давайте посмотрим, чем же хороша (или плоха) новинка. Технические характеристики LG Optimus Sol Размеры: 123x64x10 мм. Вес: 104 г. Операционная система: Google Android 2.3.4. Процессор: ... Читать дальше
Миниобзор. gagadget.com, автор: Павел Урусов
В конце сентября торговая марка Digma анонсировала флагманскую модель планшетного компьютера iDx10. Среди огромного числа конкурентов в ценовом диапазоне до 10 000 рублей устройство предлагает пользователю большой 10-дюймовый дисплей с разрешением 1024х768 точек. Впрочем, остальные параметры уже привычны: процессор Cortex-A9 с тактовой частотой ... Читать дальше
Обзор. Mobile-review.com, автор: Роман Белых
Презентация новых устройств Apple всегда окутана такой завесой таинственности, что невольно начинаешь уважать маркетологов компании. Событие, которого ждал "золотой миллиард" с замиранием сердца, - презентация новой иконы мобильного рынка, Apple iPhone 5, - так и не случилось. Вместо этого народу был явлен все тот же iPhone 4, обзаведшийся новой ... Читать дальше
Статья. ZOOM.CNews.ru
Похоже, становится доброй традицией выпускать обновленные модели популярных смартфонов. Как Sony Ericsson Arc S стал наследником Arc – с минимальными изменениями в конструкции – так и Sensation XE стал продолжением топового смартфона HTC Sensation, который вышел на рынок в этом году, и нельзя сказать, чтобы легко. Чем же удивит нас новинка? Будет ... Читать дальше
Статья. ZOOM.CNews.ru
Second chances aren't always easy to come by, and when Fusion Garage disappeared off the map following the unabashed failure of the JooJoo tablet, we certainly didn't expect those doors would be opening again. But open they did, swinging wide as the company treated itself to a product launch of the sort usually reserved for big-named companies ... Читать дальше
Обзор. Engadget, автор: By Tim Stevens
За что ругают iPhone 4S? Что будет, если на нем нацарапать цифру 5? Быть может, новый «айфон» совсем не так плох, как кажется? Ленты множества социальных сетей вчера были преисполнены негодования, проклятий, грустных смайликов и невеселых шуточек. В комментариях к одной из новостей на 3DNews творилось нечто схожее: комментаторы перебрасывались ... Читать дальше
Статья. 3DNews, автор: Александр Перекалин
Когда в этом году передо мной встал вопрос выбора нового телефона, решить его мне удалось далеко не сразу. Бегло оглядев представленные зимой крупнейшими компаниями новинки, стало очевидно, что обычные телефоны для людей вендорам стало скучно делать. Несмотря на то, что долгие годы я отдавал предпочтение моделям Sony Ericsson, в этот раз HTC была ... Читать дальше
Обзор. mobi.ru, автор: Дмитрий Скрипко
Этот QWERTY-смартфон наверняка понравится пользователям, одинаково ценящим хорошее качество мобильной связи, а также возможность общаться on-line посредством различных коммуникационных приложений и менеджеров. Качественно выполненная сборка и отличное оснащение, полноформатная QWERTY-клавиатура и множество интересных приложений – все это Nokia E5. ... Читать дальше
Обзор. ITnews.com.ua, автор: Сергей Решодько
4 октября компания Apple на мероприятии в своей штаб-квартире в Купертино показала смартфон iPhone 4S. Презентацию открыл Тим Кук, сменивший на посту гендиректора Apple Стива Джобса. Сам Джобс, вопреки ожиданиям, на публике не появился. Новый аппарат сохранил облик iPhone 4, но от своего предшественника отличается более мощным процессором, ... Читать дальше
Статья. Lenta.ru, автор: Светлана Чистякова
If we are asked which features we'd like improved on current smartphones, apart from the obvious contender battery life, one of our answers would be screen brightness. Average pixel density we can live with, but the brighter the display the less annoying its outdoor usage, especially if you have that old yellow star shining directly on your ... Читать дальше
Обзор. Phone Arena, автор: Daniel P.
The Nokia 500 is the mass production of the new Nokia Symbian line, as it has the lowest specs out of the bunch announced in time for the holiday shopping craze. With that said, it’s no slouch, as it sports a decent display with 229ppi pixel density, 5MP camera and a 1GHz processor, based, however, on the older ARM 11 architecture The Finns have ... Читать дальше
Обзор. Phone Arena, автор: Daniel P.
It has taken two years for Sony to enter the tablet market, and in that time every manufacturer and their budget Taiwanese spin-off have colluded to fill the tablet market with dross. This presents both and opportunity and a threat to Sony, and while there are many sub-standard tablets on the market, some great work has been done by a few ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
There are two kinds of tablet in the world. The first is a new breed of consumer playthings, typified by the Apple iPad 2 and the likes of the Motorola Xoom. These tablets are designed for watching movies, playing games, browsing websites, creating music, taking photos and generally doing a lot of the more entertaining things laptops can do, but ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
With every electronics manufacturer in the entire universe looking to release an Android tablet in 2011, individual products are all going to need some kind of unique selling point. This is especially true with Android 3.0 products, because the vast majority of them are all packing near identical innards – namely Nvidia's Tegra 2 dual core CPU ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
When Orange released its San Francisco, we were bowled over. It was a great handset for a budget price, and it continues to be the standard by which we evaluate any Android phone that hovers around the £100 mark. The Monte Carlo is a slightly different proposition in that it costs £150 on Orange Pay As You Go, making it a much more expensive ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
In the contest to replace your laptop – and maybe even your TV – Android 3.0 tablets such as the Motorola Xoom are ganging up on the Apple iPad 2 by sheer quantity. We absolutely thrilled over the Asus Eee Pad Transformer, for example. Now it's time for the Acer Iconia Tab A500's day in the sun. In many ways, this is all about the operating ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
Life is all about choices and trade-offs. With the Acer Iconia Tab A100, the main compromise is in size. This 417g tablet, the first to run the Android 3.2 operating system, is too big to be a smartphone and too small – at a 7-inch screen size – to watch movies on. It fills a small niche for those who want an ebook reader that also runs apps. For ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
With social network-'addicted' teens and a global Facebook population greater than that of the United States, bringing out an affordable PAYG Facebook-integrated feature phone should be a sure bet, in theory. But then we also know that there are lies, damned lies and statistics. So, is the Vodafone 555 Blue as sure a bet after all? Well, for a ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
In the beginning, there was Palm. The company created the handheld/smartphone category with the original personal digital assistants in 1996. Now, following an HP acquisition about a year ago, it's emerged with a new super-tiny model, the HP Veer. The smartphone is priced at $99 with a two-year contract in the US, with costs yet to be announced in ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
Lenovo is going on an all-out assault on the world of tablets, creating a new division specifically for them and announcing a new range. The Lenovo lineup includes the Windows 7-running IdeaPad Tablet P1 and two Android 3.1-powered tablets, including the business-focussed ThinkPad Tablet, and the consumer-focussed IdeaPad K1 which we have here. As ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
When HP bought Palm, it was widely considered to have been mostly fuelled by the desire to acquire the webOS operating system. The Pre and Pixi phones all ran the software, but after the iPad was introduced, many people had hopes that it would soon make its way to tablets. In particular, the powerful and flexible multitasking that the Pre and Pixi ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
With a name that sounds like something you'd use at a sporting event, the BlackBerry PlayBook is the latest – and most unique – Apple iPad 2 challenger. Running a new OS called QNX, with quirky features like bridging to a BlackBerry phone for secure email and an oddly confusing initial setup, the PlayBook is a stark departure from the more ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
It's taken a ridiculously long time to come, but this is it. This is the one. After the clickable screen of the BlackBerry Storm 2 and the touchscreen-with-slide-out-keyboard shenanigans of the original BlackBerry Torch, RIM has finally released a proper touchscreen smartphone. This 3.7-inch touchscreen the largest RIM has ever made, it's also the ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
This time last year, BlackBerry fans were salivating at the imminent release of the Torch 9800. For the first time, those who'd been demanding a touchscreen smartphone from RIM (without SurePress, which we'll just gloss over) were getting their way with the safety net of a keyboard below that slid out. On top of that was 3G, a 5MP camera and the ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
The BlackBerry Bold 9900 comes as something of a shock. You see, for years, BlackBerry has, in a sense, been catching up. That's not a dig at its parent company – it's practically royalty in push email and corporate handset circles. But it has been rare for RIM to lead the way. Cameras, internet browsing, HTML emails – all were included on RIM's ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
The Toshiba AT100 (sold as the Toshiba Thrive in the US) is the latest Tegra 2 Android tablet to come from one of the world's big tech companies. In the world of iOS and Android tablets, it's often not a question of having all of the best features. Sometimes, having a few unique and well-targeted offerings can help you carve out a niche. That's ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
The ViewSonic ViewPad 10Pro has a confusing name, operates much like a Microsoft Tablet PC from years ago and, while the concept of a "dual boot" tablet sounds appealing, it actually just runs Android 2.2 in Windows 7. However, the ViewPad 10Pro has a few interesting perks that could line up well with the needs of some users, especially those in a ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
The new Amazon Kindle 3 has been the most hyped eBook reader of the year. With a hugely competitive £109 price-tag, decent specs and the backing of the UK's biggest book etailer, even before launch it's made many of the other eBook readers out there look outclassed and hugely overpriced. But does it live up to expectations? The Amazon Kindle ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
There's a slight lack of high-quality action in the mid-sized Android phone section. The big manufacturers are focusing their attentions on creating monstrous, high-end "super-phones" with entire LCD monitors stuffed in their cases, while the smaller phone makers concentrate on offering budget handsets with smaller screens and lower specs. ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
UPDATE: We've now re-reviewed this phone for the UK market, so check out our findings below. It seems like there are a bazillion Android phones on the market, which means any phone with a brand new feature seems like a colossal improvement. The latest of these big steps forward was the 'glasses-free' 3D screen on the LG Optimus 3D. Now splashing ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
HTC has always stood out among the raft of Android phone manufacturers. The company's been partnering with Google since the start, but still forges its own style, which has won it a lot of fans. Now that Android is a major tablet OS, with Android 3.0 appearing on the likes of the Motorola Xoom and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1V, HTC is still staying ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
The LG Optimus Pad has been a long time coming. After months of persistent rumours, LG finally announced its 3D tablet at MWC in February. Rebadged as the T-Mobile G-Slate in the US, it was long rumoured that the Optimus Pad would pair 3D video capture with a glasses-free 3D display like the one on the Nintendo 3DS and LG's own forthcoming Optimus ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
LG has had a good run of form with its Optimus series of smartphones. The Optimus One was a solid little thing for a good price, then it branched out and up into fancy phone territory with the quirky dual-core charms of the Optimus 2X, before tackling high style with the skinny Optimus Black. Now LG has another demographic in its sights – fans of ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
Samsung is like the little engine that could. It just keeps on going. Sometimes it produces high-end, market-leading smartphones such as the stupendous Galaxy S II, sometimes it plays a safer game, attacking the middle of the road as with the likes of the Galaxy Mini. It's Android's turn again, but with a bit of a twist. Samsung has stuck Android ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
Samsung is churning out affordable Android smartphones at the moment. Recently we've seen the Samsung Galaxy Gio, Samsung Galaxy Mini and Samsung Galaxy Ace, and now along comes the Samsung Galaxy Fit. There's not a lot to distinguish these mobile phones to be honest – the name often being the key differentiator. With the Samsung Galaxy Fit you ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
This Samsung Galaxy S review has been updated to include the Android 2.3 Gingerbread operating system update. A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away... (OK, not that far – South Korea), a new smartphone set Samsung's mobile fortunes alight: the Galaxy S. If you're in the market for a new smartphone, you can check out our quick video guide to ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar
Welcome to the top spot, Samsung. The outstanding Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Honeycomb tablet is lighter and a hair thinner than the Apple iPad 2, and has a smaller footprint than either the Motorola Xoom or the Acer Iconia Tab A500, which are heavier and bulkier than most tablets. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is a major contender. We reviewed the ... Читать дальше
Обзор. TechRadar